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Table: Gross Monthly Income From Employment 2022
Released on:31/1/2023 10:20 AM

​​​Income from employment is a key indicator of economic well-being.

Gross monthly income from employment is the widest measure of i​​ncome from employment, covering both employees and the self-employed. For income of a typical worker, look at the median gross monthly income. This is the income in the middle, after the workers are ranked by their income.​​

If you are interested in wage increases that employers give over the year, then look at the annual wage changes.​ This indicator provides a breakdown of changes in total wages into basic wages and bonuses.

Released on: 31 January 2023​

Concepts and Definitions

Labour Force Concepts and Definitions

Labour Force in Singapore 2​​022​​

Released on: 31 January 2023​​​​​

Table 19 – 35: Gross Monthly Income from Work XLSX 98kb
