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Table: Gross Monthly Income From Employment 2023
Released on:31/1/2024 10:20 AM

​​Income from employment is a key indicator of economic well-being.

Gross monthly income from employment is the widest measure of i​​ncome from employment, covering both employees and the self-employed. For income of a typical worker, look at the median gross monthly income. This is the income in the middle, after the workers are ranked by their income.

If you are interested in wage increases that employers give over the year, then look at the annual wage changes.​ This indicator provides a breakdown of changes in total wages into basic wages and bonuses.

Released on: 31 January 2024​

Concepts and Definitions

Income Concepts and Definitions

Labour Force in Singapore 2​​023​​

Released on: 31 ​January 2024​​​​​

Section C - Table C1 - 17: Gross Monthly Income from Employment​ XLSX 92kb
