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Survey Questions at a Glance

National Survey on Employment, 2015

Section A: For all Persons

  1. Highest educational qualification attained
  2. Education institution where degree/diploma was awarded
  3. Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) and /or Employability Skills System (ESS) certificates
  4. Previous occupation
  5. Employment duration in the previous occupation
  6. Sole-breadwinner
  7. Working arrangement in previous occupation
  8. Monthly income of previous occupation
  9. Current monthly household income from work
  10. Current activity status

Section B: For Employed Persons

  1. Duration in seeking employment prior to current job
  2. Duration of employment in current job
  3. Current occupation
  4. Current industry
  5. Working arrangement
  6. Monthly income
  7. Employment status (Employee or Self Employed)
  8. Permanent or Contract employee

Section C: For Persons Not Working But Actively Looking and Are Available For Work

  1. Duration of active job search
  2. Application of job(s) with lower salary
  3. Main reason for not applying for job(s) with lower salary
  4. Any job offer(s) rejected
  5. Reason(s) for rejecting job offer(s)
  6. Reason(s) for being unsuccessful in interview(s)

Section D: For Economically Inactive Persons

  1. Main reason for not working/looking for job
  2. Intention to re-join workforce
  3. When to re-join workforce
  4. Motivation to re-join workforce