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Report: Labour Market First Quarter 2018
Released on:13/6/2018 10:00 AM

​​​Report: ​Labour Market First Quarter 2018

This quarterly release analyses the labour market situation. Topics covered include unemployment, employment, retrenchment, re-entry into employment, job vacancy, labour turnover and hours worked.


The labour market continued to improve in the first quarter of 2018. Total employment grew slightly, compared to the decline in the same period a year ago. The number of retrenchments fell to a five-year low, and unemployment rate declined. Coupled with an increase in job vacancies, the ratio of job vacancies to unemployed persons rose above 1 for the first time since March 2016.

This edition also features a technical note explaining the revision to the methodology for seasonally adjusting the unemployment time series.

For more key findings, please refer to the highlights of the report.

