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Chart: Median Gross Monthly Income From Employment
Released on:7/2/2024 10:30 AM

​​​​​​​​Chart: Median Gross Monthly Income From Work

Draw your own insights into Singapore’s labour market by exploring official data through interactive charts. Here are tips to help you better interact with the data:





1. Reference month of June.
2. Residents refer to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents.
3. Data exclude Full-Time National Servicemen.
4. Gross monthly income refers to income earned from employment. For employees, it refers to the gross monthly wages or salaries before deduction of employee CPF contributions and personal income tax. It comprises basic wages, overtime pay, commissions, tips, other allowances and one-twelfth of annual bonuses. For self-employed persons, gross monthly income refers to the average monthly profits from their business, trade or profession (i.e. total receipts less business expenses incurred) before deduction of income tax.
5. Full-time employment refers to employment where the normal hours of work is at least 35 hours a week.
6. As data are captured from a sample survey, year-on-year income changes are prone to fluctuations and hence should always be interpreted with caution. Income growth studied over longer periods (e.g. 5 or 10 years) smooths out these fluctuations and hence provides a more direct indication of income growth.