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Unemployment Table(s) - Labour Force In Singapore 2017
Released on:26/1/2018 10:00 AM

Labour Force in Singapore 2017: Unemployment Table(s)

This annual publication presents a comprehensive range of statistical information on the economic activities of the population, including analysis and data on labour force trends such as labour force participation rate and employment rate, income, casual and fixed-term contract employees, training, hours worked and job search methods. It also covers the profile of residents outside the labour force and those who are potential entrants into the labour force.


(75) Resident Unemployment Rate by Highest Qualification Attained, Age and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 32kb
(76) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over by Age and Sex, 2007 – 2017 (June) XLSX 30kb
(77) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over by Highest Qualification Attained and Sex, 2007 – 2017 (June) XLSX 29kb
(78) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over by Highest Qualification Attained, Age and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 32kb
(79) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over by Highest Qualification Attained, Marital Status and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 32kb
(80) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over by Marital Status and Sex, 2007 – 2017 (June) XLSX 29kb
(81) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over by Marital Status, Age and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 27kb
(82) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over by Duration of Unemployment, Age and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 32kb
(83) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over by Duration of Unemployment, Highest Qualification Attained and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 33kb
(84) Median Duration of Resident Unemployment by Highest Qualification Attained, Age and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 27kb
(85) Resident Long-Term Unemployment Rate by Age, Highest Qualification Attained and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 30kb
(86) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over Who Have Worked Before by Previous Occupation, Age and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 28kb
(87) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over Who Have Worked Before by Previous Industry, Age and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 35kb
(88) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over Who Have Worked Before by Main Reason for Leaving Previous Job, Age and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 40kb
(89) Unemployed Residents Aged Fifteen Years and Over Who Have Worked Before by Main Reason for Leaving Previous Job, Highest Qualification Attained and Sex, June 2017 XLSX 34kb
  • n.a. : Not available/not applicable
  • – : Nil or negligible
  • s : Data suppressed due to small number covered
  • Note : The sample values in the cells of these tables are blown up independently, hence the data in the tables may not necessarily add up to the total due to rounding.

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