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The Manpower Research and Statistics Department (MRSD) provides statistics and analysis on Singapore’s workforce and the state of the labour market.

Our Mission

To provide timely and reliable national statistical information on the labour market to facilitate informed decision-making within the government and the community-at-large.

Our Work and Services

As the National Statistical Agency responsible for manpower-related statistics, we collect, analyse, and disseminate essential statistical information on Singapore's labour market.

We serve diverse user communities by providing products and services that are objective, timely, accurate, and relevant.

As part of MRSD’s continued commitment to deliver accurate and relevant statistics on the labour market, our data collection processes have undergone an assessment by Ernst and Young Advisory Pte Ltd.


Our Performance Pledge

To uphold the integrity of the statistical system, our statistical activities are governed by the provisions of the Statistics Act 1973, which safeguards the confidentiality of information collected from individuals and companies.​


As labour market statistics are important indicators in the monitoring of the economy, we strive to disseminate statistical information at the earliest possible date, while maintaining high data quality.


We are committed to producing statistics with the highest professional standards. In terms of classification of data, we adhere to the national statistical classification standards which conform to the basic principles and guidelines in international standards.


We produce statistics that meet users’ needs, within available resources. We also ensure our statistics remain relevant in a changing socio-economic environment.

Statistics Act 1973

Our survey is conducted in accordance with the Statistics Act. Under this act, all selected respondents are required to provide the necessary information to ensure that the data obtained is representative. No personal information will be divulged, as the Department can only share aggregated data.

I​nternational Labour Organisation

Labour market concepts and definitions used by the Department conform to international guidelines recommended by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

Data Collection

To ensure data quality, the Department analyses each survey response to identify and resolve inconsistencies that may suggest an inaccurate response. A response rate of at least 85% is achieved for the monthly labour force survey so as to ensure the sample retains its representativeness.

Our Workflow Process


MOM MRSD Workflow.png  



If you have any questions for us, please head to our contact us​ page​.