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Chart: Income from Work
Released on:31/1/2019 10:00 AM

Chart: Income from Work

Similar to the trends seen for residents, Singaporean workers continued to earn higher incomes in the recent five years. The real median income (including employer CPF contributions) of full-time employed Singaporeans increased by 3.6% p.a. from 2013 to 2018, significantly higher than the 1.7% p.a. in the previous five years.

Over the last five years from 2013 to 2018, real income at the 20th percentile grew faster (4.3% p.a.) than at the median (3.6% p.a.), narrowing their gap with the median worker.

The 20th percentile income growth was also significantly higher than in the preceding five years (i.e. 2008 to 2013). This may be attributed to the​ tighter labour market as a result of foreign workforce policy adjustments, as well as other policy measures like Progressive Wage Model, Wage Credit Scheme and Special Employment Credit.

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imas Statistical definitions, concepts and source on: Income