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Our Surveys
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Take Survey ​​



MRSD conducts n​ationwide surveys on the labour market involving numerous businesses and households in Singapore. The data that we gather provides us with insights into our workforce, allowing us to monitor present market trends, identify shortfalls and gaps in the labour market , and adapt to manpower challenges. These insights and statistics are instrumental in helping us improve current policies and shape new programmes that will benefit all employees in Singapore. ​

Statistics Ac​t
MRSD surveys are conducted under the Statistics Act 1973, which mandates participation and safeguards the confidentiality of the information collected.​


Comprehensive Labour Force Survey

Between March and August each year

Data Collected

We collect detailed data on employment, unemployment, characteristics of the labour force, and economically inactive.

Sample Size

33,000 households

Monthly Labour Force Survey

Throughout the year

Data Collected

We use this to collect unemployment data over the course of six months. It’s a monthly survey that provides a better overview over unemployment, as it closely tracks our respondents’ changes across that period.

Sample Size

22,200 households

Adult Training Survey

This survey seeks to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on locals’ training perceptions and experiences by obtaining information on training participation, preference and outcomes, in order to shape relevant policies aimed at enhancing the training outcomes of all locals.


Respondents can complete the survey online or through the phone. If needed, we will contact respondents to verify the data that they have submitted.

National Survey on Employment

Understand the employment experiences of locals during job transitions, including how the evolving COVID-19 situation is impacting the labour market.


Respondents can complete the survey online or through the phone. If needed, we will contact respondents to verify the data that they have submitted.

Occupational Employment Da​taset
The Occupational Employment Dataset (OED) is an online registry that collects the occupational and employment data of current workers in Singapore. All registered businesses are required to provide the latest occupational and employment details of all employees (Citizens, Permanent Residents, and Foreigners) under their payroll to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).​

The main information the OED intends to gather is:​

  1. Main job title & duties/functions​
  2. Employment Type (full time or part time)
  3. ​Hours worked & wages
  4. Work location & premise details​

Why is the OED important?

It is important for MOM to compile comprehensive and updated occupational and employment data in order to effectively review and implement manpower policies that directly affect all businesses in Singapore. This data will provide us with valuable insights into employee movements, occupational trends, working hours and wages, which will aid MOM in shaping policies. Location data gathered through the OED can also be utilised in urban and transport planning, hence increasing efficiency and accessibility.​ For more information regarding the OED, you can refer to our FAQ page here​. ​

​The OED will also be used to assess whether your organisation has met the Progressive Wages (PW) and/or Local Qualifying Salary (LQS) requirements if you hire foreign workers or intend to apply for PW Mark accreditation. 

For more information related to how OED will be used to assess companies for LQS and PWM requirements, please refer to our FAQ page.

For more information on the PWM, please refer to our PWM webpage here.​
​​Sign up for the Automated Data Transfer (ADT) Service

The ADT service facilitates the collection of data for OED. Businesses that sign u​p for the ADT service can enable MOM to update their information in the OED on their behalf, thereby streamlining the submission process for their HR representatives. Please click here to learn more.

​Quarterly Labour Market Survey​​

The Labour Market Survey (LMS) gathers manpower-related data such as labour turnover, retrenchment, and job vacancies.
The retrenchment data is useful in the analysis of ailing industries or sectors amid re-structuring. Job vacancy data is used to identify and assess labour shortages, which in turn help us ascertain their causes in various industries and occupations. The gathered information can also be used to assist both employers and employees in making informed choices when hiring or seeking employment.

Data Privacy​

OED, LMS and all other establishment surveys are conducted under the Statistics Act (1973) which makes it mandatory for businesses to provide us with the necessary information. All information collected is protected and kept confidential under the Statistics Act (1973) and will be used for statistical purposes only. Results will only be released as an aggregate and will not contain any company-specific details.​

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Our Labour Force Survey is an official national survey on the labour market, involving numerous households in Singapore. With the statistics and insights derived from​ the LFS, you can help to shape national manpower policies and programmes that affect many of us. Some of the policies and programmes that are informed by our survey data include:

  • National Wage Council Guidelines
  • Retirement and Re-employment Act
  • Recommendations by Tripartite Workgroup on Older Workers
  • Employment Strategies for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs)
​​​We conduct a Monthly Labour Force survey throughout the year, and a comprehensive version of the survey between March and August each year.


All information collected is protected and kept confidential under the Statistics Act 1973​ and will be used for statistical purposes only. Results will be released on an aggregated level.

How to participate

Households selected for the LFS are strongly encouraged to complete the survey onl​ine via the secured Manpower Survey Online System. However, if they prefer to complete the survey through phone, they can call our hotline (6320 7777) or email mom_rsd_lfs@mom.gov.sg to book an appointment with us. For more information, kindly refer to our survey portal and FAQs here​.

Monthly LFS:

• Collects employment and unemployment data monthly over six months

• Sample size: 22,200 households

Comprehensive LFS:

• Collects key information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of population once every year

• Sample size: 33,000 households

How to participate

Households selected for the LFS are strongly encouraged to complete the survey online via the secured Manpower Survey Online System. However, if they prefer to complete the survey through phone, they can call our hotline (6320 7777) or email mom_rsd_lfs@mom.gov.sg to book an appointment with us. For more information, kindly refer to our survey portal and FAQs here​.



Contact us to make an appointment for phone interview.

+65 6320 7777 (Individuals and Households),  or +65 6320 7722 (Businesses)
