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Article: Report on Fair Employment Practices
Released on:7/8/2023 10:30 AM
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​​​ Report on Fair Employment Practices​​​​

With the growing international focus on diversity and inclusion, Singapore has continued to place heavy emphasis on the adoption of fair and progressive employment practices. These endeavours strive to tackle workplace discrimination and create a fairer work environment for the different classes of workers in Singapore.

M​RSD​​​​​ conducts regular surveys to track the prevalence of work​place discrimination, one of them being the Supplementary Survey on Fair Employment Practices. As an ​official statistical agency committed to producing statistics of the highest professional standards, MRSD adopts probability-based sampling across all surveys to achieve fair and objective results. The Supplementary Survey on Fair Employment Practices is no exception. Conducted on a random sample of nearly 3,000 respondents in the labour force, the survey results provide robust and representative insight into the prevalence of discrimination in our workforce, as well as illustrate the impact that current government initiatives and guidelines have made over the years.

These results have been compiled into the 2022 Fair Employment Practices (FEP) report released in end July 2023, following international standards set by the International Labour Organisation. The FEP report offers a comprehensive look at the improvements in fair employment practices in Singapore, including examining the various forms of discrimination that job seekers and employees may currently face. It also goes beyond analysing trends in our local context, providing a meaningful comparison on an international level by introducing data from Europe obtained through a similar survey1 done in the region.

1The European Working Conditions Survey conducted by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound).

Click here to learn more in our Fair Employment Practices 2022 Report