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Summary Table: Re-entry Into Employment
Released on:9/12/2024 10:20 AM

​​​​​​​​​Summary Table: Re-entry Into Employment

Statistics on re-entry into employment allows us to gauge how well retrenched workers are able to secure a new job.

The breakdown by demographic characteristics can help in identifying groups who find it easy or difficult to secure re-entry into employment after their layoff.

As part of MRSD’s continued commitment to deliver accurate and relevant statistics on the labour market, our data collection processes have undergone an assessment by Ernst and Young Advisory Pte Ltd.​​

Year 2014​ 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Re-entry Rate of Retrenched Residents (%) ​​
 Annual​ 69.8 71.9 64.6 64.6 62.9 64.4 61.6
 1st Qtr 70.4 72.8 64.4 64.4 61.0 66.4 64.0 66.2 71.5
71.7 59.4
 2nd Qtr 69.7 73.6 65.7 64.5 64.3 59.9 58.4 64.4 66.0 59.4 55.0
 3rd Qtr 68.9 71.0 63.4 66.4 61.7 65.4 57.0 66.2
65.3 60.4
 4th Qtr
70.1 69.9 64.7 63.2 64.2 65.9 64.3
Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Source: Labour Market Survey, Manpower Research & Statistics Department, MOM and derived based on data from Administrative Records 
Latest figures published in: Labour Market Re​port​​

  • The method for compiling the re-entry into employment for retrenched workers has been revised to be based on a fixed job search duration of 6 months for residents retrenched in the respective quarters. Previously, the rate was computed based on a variable length of job search of between 3 to 6 months. Please refer to the Revision To Time Series On The Rate Of Re-Entry Into Employment for the technical details.
  • Residents refer to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents.
  • Quarterly re-entry rate measures the proporti​on of residents who are in employment in the reference quarter, six months after retrenchment.
  • Annual re-entry rate measures the proportion of residents who are in employment in the reference year, six months after retrenchment.
  • Data refer to the proportion of residents retrenched by private sector establishments (each with at least 25 employees) and the public sector, who re-entered employment six months after they were retrenched.
  • Retrenchment refers to the termination of permanent employees due to redundancy and early termination of term contract employees due to redundancy.
  • It should be noted that data on re-entry into employment are cohort-specific. Two different cohorts of workers laid off could yield a different re-entry rate depending on the profile of the workers involved. Also, the data based on administrative records do not capture workers who enter into self or informal employment or undergo training while looking for job.
  • n.a. = Not available
