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Article Archives
Released on:23/6/2023 3:00 PM

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Manpower Research and Statistics Department publishes articles on contemp​orary issues that are based on updated statistics from our latest labour market reports. ​​Subscribe here to receive the latest news on MRSD. ​​​​

​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Article Archives​

Article: Creating Family-friendly Workplaces in Singapore
​Released on: 7 December 2023​

Article: Resident Employment Landscape Remains Healthy In 2023
​Released on: 25 September 2023​

Article: Top Five Takeaways From The JV 2022 Report​​​​​​​​
​Released on: 23 June 2023​

Article: Singapore’s Labour Market Competitiveness Rises to Fourth Place​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​Released on: 23 June 2023​

​Article: ​Are we being provided with what we require? A closer look at Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs) and Non-Statutory Leaves (NSLs) requirement and provision rates​​​​​​​
​Released on: 9 November 2022

Article: Youths In The Local Labour Market
​Released on: 29 August 2022

Article: ​​​​​​​​Workweek pattern - ​​​Has the pandemic brought about a change in mindset about the traditional workweek?​
​Released on: 12 July 2022

Article: How does Singapore’s Labour Market Fare Globally?​​
​Released on: 16 June 2022

Article: The Changing Modes of Job Search​
​Released on: 21 April 2022

Article: Impact of COVID-19: Remote Working in Singapore​
​Released on: 12 November 2021

Article: A Gender-Inclusive Workforce​
​Released on: 12 October 2021

Article: Online Training in Singapore​
​Released on: 30 September 2021

Article: Growing Alongside Our Ageing Workforce​
​Released on: 17 August 2021

Article: What Does Employment Mean To You
​Released on: 31 July 2021

Article: It's Not All About The Gig Economy
​Released on: 09 May 2019

Article: A More Flexible Singapore!
​Released on: 28 Feb 2019