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1. Employed persons refer to those who are working for pay, or other forms of renumeration.

2. They comprise employees and the self-employed.

3. ​Changes in employment can help identify industries where manpower demand is growing or falling.

​Data on the number of persons in employment tell us about the economy's ability to create jobs. In Singapore, statistics on employment are compiled from two major sources, namely:
imas Administrative records; and
imas Comprehensive Labour Force Survey (LFS).

Headline employment statistics on the number of persons employed and its quarterly changes by industry are compiled from administrative records. Data on the demographic, social and other economic characteristics of employed persons such as age, sex, educational attainment and occupation are compiled annually from the Comprehensive LFS.

Here are some key employment indicators and their uses:

Employment change, which is the difference in the number of employed persons over time, helps us understand the impact of economic changes on the demand for workers. The data, which are available by industry, allow users to identify industries where employment is growing or falling.

Employment rate, also known as employment to population ratio, refers to the proportion of employed persons in the working-age population. The employment rate tells us the extent to which the population is engaged in productive labour market activity. It provides a basis for labour market comparisons across economies.