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1. Unemployed persons refer to people who are not working but are actively looking and available for jobs.

2. Unemployment statistics are important indicators used to determine the health of the labour market.

3. Unemployment can be classified as frictional, structural, or cyclical.

Unemployment statistics are pro​bably one of the most closely monitored indicators of the labour market. In Singapore, unemployment data are obtained from the Labour Force Survey.

Here are some key unemployment indicators and their uses:

Unemployment rate and number give us a quick gauge of the health of the labour market. A deeper analysis of the unemployment rate by demographic and socio-economic characteristics highlight vulnerable groups who might find it harder to secure employment. The number of unemployed persons provides a gauge of the magnitude of the problem. Characteristics most often studied include age and educational attainment.

Long-term unemployment rate and number capture information on those who are unemployed for prolonged periods and thus suffer greater hardship. They provide an indication of unemployment arising from mismatch in job seekers and job openings available, often referred to as structural unemployment.

The latest top-line unemployment data are available quarterly h​ere. Data by age, educational attainment and sex can be found in the Labour Market Report, also accessible via the previous link. More detailed breakdown by various characteristics are published in the annual report on Labour Force in Singapore.

See also Labour Force, Employment and Persons Outside the Labour Force.​ ​