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Concepts and Definitions

Trade Un​ion refers to any association or combination of employees or employers, whether temporary or permanent, whose principal object is to regulate relations between employees and employers for all or any of the following purposes:​

to promote good industrial relations between employers and employees;
• ​​to improve the working conditions of employees or enhance their economic and social status;
•​to raise productivity for the benefit of employees, employers and the economy of Singapore.​​

A Trade Dispute refers to a dispute (including a threatened, impending or probable dispute) as to industrial matters.

Collective Agreement refers to an agreement between employers and employees on employment, non-employment, terms of employment or conditions of work. The duration of a collective agreement is specified and by law shall not be less than two years or more than three years.

An Industrial Arbitration Court Award refers to an award made by the IAC, and includes a collective agreement and a memorandum of the terms which have been certified by the President of the IAC in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act. ​